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Cultural Navigators

A bespoke course that will equip learners with the skills, knowledge and confidence to become leaders within their local community. Learners will gain valuable understanding of various types of community work and be given an opportunity to set up their own community project with a grant of up to £500. 

For more information including course dates an how to register please get in touch

Programme Outline

Week 1 - Introduction to Volunteering

• Explore what volunteering is and the benefits to your health and wellbeing

• Identify the key skills required for volunteering in a range of roles

• Recognise own skills, qualities and positive characteristics including areas for development

• Research community organisations that utilise volunteers and select at least one of interest

• Explore the roles and responsibilities of a volunteer


Week 2 - Equality and Diversity

• Define terms associated with Equality and Diversity

• Explore and list different types of discrimination and reflect on own attitudes

• Outline how to recognise both direct and indirect stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination

• Identify the 9 protected characteristics and summarise how these apply to the Equality Act 2010


Week 3 -  Listening and Communication Skills

• Recognise key factors which contribute to being a good listener

Explore verbal and non-verbal methods of communication and how to use body language positively

• Demonstrate how to communicate effectively using a range of methods

• Discuss barriers to communication and identify solutions to overcome


Week 4 - Talkaoke Session

• Set up a Talkaoke Kit

• Deliver a Talkaoke session and community conversation


Week 5 - Cultural Awareness

• Explore the term culture and what it means to you and others

• Examine the information within your district census and list the different ethnic groups that populate the area

• Research the culture of one ethnic group and present your information

• Compare the culture of one ethnic group to your own and identify 3 key differences

• Discuss ways to promote community cohesion in your area


Week 6 - Developing ideas for a Community Project

• Create a profile of your area and map the existing assets

• Identify and list the priority needs within your community

• Recognise the skills needed to motivate self and others to make a positive contribution within your community

• Identify appropriate progression opportunities

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